A journey of enduring love

Write what you know. Isn’t that what aspiring novelists are told? Well, I’ll take the advice this summer. I won’t write a book but I do love words and hope that mine can capture a time and a place with precision. My enthusiasm for France is insatiable. Discovering its landscapes and meandering through the streets of small villages and towns, experiencing delicious food elaborated in great simplicity, the architecture, the artistic explorations the country has on offer, the café culture and absurdly grumpy waiters, the old ladies always evoking a sort of Chanel like stylistic consistency, the literary high life, Nouvelle Vague films, the beautiful boys and girls and the sometimes dynamic conservatism of its population. I’m making an album of snapshots and mini narratives on this blog to keep things as clear and fresh as yesterday.
A journey of enduring love.

I took the pictures in Normandie and the South of France

Mon amour


Le Sud


Les Planches







Unknown said...

tu devrais ajouter une bulle au dessus de la tete de mat "i can't take it anymore, i can't believe we are in France again! Where is justin I need to make sweet sweet love to him"

i miss you! viens nous rejoindre!!

S said...

I have a bit of a 'south coast of France' desire also, especially at this time of year, when the British summer is fast disappearing. It's the atmosphere, the possibilities for people watching and the orange light, I think.

Siru said...

Amazing photographs!

juliet xxx

Ellen Burney said...

Beautiful pictures. Is that Mr Stars I spy? Let me know when you are ready to auction off that dress. x

tea and cactus said...

again, was lovely reading you this morning and looking at your photos is standing there, again
i miss
la route des Cretes
les restanques
les lauriers roses
le couche de soleil
les oliviers et le cheval...
i miss The South terribly and today even more
merci pour ca

LineHylke said...

I adore france tooo!

And I love your photos, and the way you are catching the nature - they are amazing! Thumps up :)


Marion said...

Your pictures made my day.

original seed said...

SICK photography

Laura McLaws Helms said...

These photos make your trip so vivid- I can almost smell the sea breeze and feel the hot sun.

suzi johnson said...

I have loved coming back to see photos and fashion. So inspiring. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Ces photos sont vraiment incroyables, et je réalise à quelle point j'ai de la chance de vivre dans ce pays aux paysages magnifiques.