With its formidable knitwear heritage and the brand’s deeply traditional roots and formula, it was great to see Missoni following a new modern path. This was a crucial collection representing a new language for the company, a clear turning point in its history. The signature patterns continue to reverberate in most of the pieces but there is a new sense of freedom, as if all the undesirable restrictions of the past have been eradicated and replaced by a more quirky edginess woven through the colour palette, exceptional styling and multi-layered elements. I found the entire collection surprisingly accomplished. I loved the leg warmers, leggings, cropped mohair cardigans, long chunky cardigans, the almost floor length scarves, the hooded scarves and cardigan scarves all knitwear focused in various weaves and weights. And the layers, lots of layers! Missoni’s statement with its injection of craftsmanship is enchanting and irresistible. The models looked like contemporary city tuaregs and nomads, reflecting the influence of a complicated tapestry of people and cultures. The outfits were evocative of the regal, formidable desert warriors and nomadic life. The richly sophisticated designs in cool blues, a variety of grey, muted beige, and taupe offer innumerable possibilities as desirable separated pieces, all fluid and highly adaptable. I saw this collection as a triumphant success marked by creativity, individuality and confidence. Missoni has forced out all my old prejudices with its newly acquired unconventional panache! Masterful.
By the way, am I the only one who felt disappointed by Balenciaga’s latest collection? And Balmain was a grotesque regurgitation of previous pieces, only more 80s, more disco and more euro-trash accessorized by “Scream” era Michael Jackson boots!
All pictures: Style.com and cultprairie.livejournal.com
that styling is really amazing.
of course, the clothes are wonderful, but the way they put them togheter is something!
This looks like what I want to wear this winter! so warm and cosy.
and... yes, i was fully disappointed by Balenciaga, and disgusted by the re-hash that was Balmain.
The Missoni collection wasn't my style, but it's cool too them take a big step forward (when everyone else is looking back), and I liked the urban nomad vibe.
(I never liked Balmain, and I was disappointed by Balenciaga (except for the satin trousers). I wished the 80s would stay away.)
Balmain was a riff on an overdone theme. Next! LLGxx
oh dear.
everything you said.
i agree 101%.
and could not DREAM of expressing myself as wonderfully as YOU!
missoni = knit heaven
balmain = disappointment + shoulder insanity.
i am a 80's lover (music + movies ) BUT fashion wise. NOT. SO . MUCH. at all.
have a beauty of a weekend.
Très bô.Oui moi Balmain m'a décue...surtout quand j'ai voulu prendre une veste à Paris ya deux semaines et qu'elle était attachée par un fil avec une alarme et une étiquette 4000 euros.J'avais juste froid et je voulais me réchauffer.Y'a vraiment aucune justice sociale dans cette europe de merde je dis...
SO stunning. I love the layers and loooong scarves!
Balenciaga was indeed a let down.. :/ I crossing my fingers for Isabel Marant!!!!
balenciaga was so disappointing! totally glad someone else agrees! and missoni- drooling - hasn't stopped yet - keyboard covered in drool.
amazing, beautiful, fabulous, perfect.
hope you're well!
bisous bisous
ohhh as soon as i saw this collection i nearly died. love it soo much. proably my favourite so far, its so stylish and so laid back and comfy looking i loooooveee it. and the colours (esp the blue) are wonderful...and im totally with you on B & B...
Hey !!
Désolée du temps de réponse,
J'étais très honorée de la tienne et ravie de pouvoir communiquer en Français, il faut dire que je m'y perds un peu!
Mais je vais surement étudier un an a Londres l'année prochaine (So, I hope to can say "I'm Back" with the perfect intonation when i'll return to France!) ^^
Non, ça n'est pas moi sur la photo, il y aurait de quoi s'inquiéter d'avoir ses mensurations a 17 ans! ^^ En réalité, c'est ma petite soeur de 9 ans que j'ai photographié et qui m'inspire beaucoup avec sa petite bouille de femme-enfant!
J'aime beaucoup tes goûts, ils sont pointus, tu as un sens du raffinement assez brut qui me plais beaucoup! =)
Bises, XoXo
To me Balenciage was a bit disappointing as well! No really mindblowing cuts, maybe the skirts in the beginning but after that only some prints on dresses I didn't liked at all....
Just discovered your blog...I love it!
I totally agree on Balenciaga and Balmain...I was really looking forward to both (especially given Balenciaga's pre-fall collection) and I found them really lacking.
I'm posting my blog here for your perusal:
Suddenly, an urge to dress in layers, sheer wool and three scarves came upon me. This is so cool!
great closeups - i didnt catch the detail, so stunning!
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