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I know I should be sleeping (it’s way past my bedtime and I don’t function properly unless I’ve had 8 hours sleep) but instead I’ve been focusing on the cast of Swedish characters populating the pages of Garance, The Sartorialist, The Facehunter, Stylesightings, Stockholm Street Style, Arvida Bystrom and Nike Felldin. I’ve been interested in Sweden and its stylish hyper fashion conscious demographic for a considerable amount of time (this makes even more sense if you live in London, a city populated by a rapidly expanding number of Swedish looks and faces). Quick to build on a trend, with an eye for fashion opportunities and a reputation for being renegades, Swedish girls and boys expertly create distinct and strong styles. Like Londoners, they have the courage to push the boundaries of silhouettes and take things right to the edge. But unlike Londoners, they do it exquisitely and extremely elegantly. It’s hard to beat the Swedes. Novel ideas permeate every stitch of their clothes and their attention to detail and accessory is the same as in magazine editorials. They keep the template of a fashion spread, but something happens when they put it all together: they self-confidently embrace their natural instincts but move forward by acknowledging the links between their inner sense of style and what you see on the catwalk. With incredible precision, they develop their own hi-tech reality. As I write this, I wonder how long it will take before Swedish aesthetics become an overwhelming presence in our shops… There is already a growing cult that extends beyond industry insiders and the buzz surrounding current Swedish bloggers is phenomenal. They’ve set up a little frenzy!
PS: Sofia and Markus, you’re my own great-looking sexy Swedish style icons couple in London. I should post an image of you here. You epitomize Swedish sensibilities without screaming victim and you’re definitely reflective of a new generation in pursuit of fashion and beauty…
(Markus - Why is Mat laughing? Hehehe)
Photos taken from Garance, The Sartorialist, The Facehunter, Stylesightings, Stockholm street style, Arvida and Nike.
Most of you will probably recognize the lovely Arvida and Nike. Both have no match in independent-minded spirit, style and crazy soft youthful beauty.


STYLE is in their BONES.
inspiration to the fullest.
i want that jumper- bottom right!
have a BEAUTIFUL weekend beauty.
Hi !
I'm Jane, I'm french and i speak English so bad but I LOVE SO MUCH your blog and i'd like tell it to you! You've a fashion notion what i enjoy ! (I'm not sure my english is good.. Sorry ^^ )
La 4 ème photo de la donzelle aux cheveux blonds frisés et au jeans taille haute...Je me souviens que tu m'avais demandé ma veste en cuir à prêter (Non) bien c'est exactement celle là.Elle à même fait la même chose que moi aux manches et aux poches avant du blouson...La réponse est toujours non (quoique tout se négocie, alors, ces Louboutin?)...
Ps : T'es linkée par Garance? Mais t'es une über bloggueuse ou quoi! mwaha. :) <3
Yes, great pics!!!
Kisses ;)
hello darlin' how are? longggg time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
stockholm loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,, courseeeeeeee.
recuerdo tu hablas español :) haha tu eres la chica de las fotos de abajo no? me encanta conocerle un gusto,,,, he visto de todo lo que me he perdido desde la ultima ves que la visite, yo amo el heavy 80's music y amoo mis tees iron maiden my fave band, slayer, pantera, motey crue,, siemore seran mis favoritas,,
nunca intercambiamos links?,,, porque??
nike and arvida, what a combination.
sweden has been on my top 3 countries to have a prolonged stay in for a while now. the inspiration never stops.
Hi how are you?
you are right, swedish people are chic and elegant, I really like their style and their sense of fashion!
bises ma belle
that backless jumper is perfect
Street style video of Nike from the Stockholm Fashion Week.
love their styles! perfection. =>
I am seriously Sweden-obsessed!
oh i totally agree! the country must look like a huge runway! i must visit there soon.
great post!
xxxx LM
Love your blog. Would you be interested in exchanging blog links?
My blog is called T-shirt and Tails and offers an insight in to the worlds of fashion, style and beauty.
Check it out:
Stunning post.
By the way, I already added you as my fashion stylish :)
Please do check out my blog, if you have time :)
It must be a criteria for citizenship that you can dress so effortlessly and make muted grays, blacks, creams look so crisp and fashion-forward!
Je suis tombé en amoreuse d'Arvida, elle est vraiment parfait. J'ai mis une photo de lui dans mon blog, actuallement, juste hier! Nous sommes du même avis :)
great post. nike is so darn beautiful!
y-s x
The Swedes like their layers!
hehehe I feel rather good being swedish right now.
Lisa: Are you still in Canada? It snowed in London today and it almost brought the city to a standstill!
Jane: Merci pour ton commentaire. Je suis vraiment contente que mon blog te plaise et j'espere te revoir ici tres bientot! Bisous de Londres
Sale gamine: Je vais reflechir a ta proposition ... est ce que tu peux me promettre que je vais ressembler a la belle brindille blonde?
Miss Urbanita: Thank you, I'm glad you like the selection!
Karii: Tienes razon, a mi me encanta Motley Crue tambien!
Adele: Nike and Arvida have got to be two of the best Swedish bloggers on the planet!
Alice: Comment vas tu, ma belle? Est ce que tu trouves Londres a ton gout? Ma soeur revient tout juste de New York x
Emma: I think it's a jumpsuit, but it's pretty cute anyway!
Daniel: Thanks for the link. I'm going to check it out now...
Cindiddy: I agree with you 100%!
Agnes Deer: Join the club!!!
LoveMore: I know, I'd love to go there too at some point!
T-Shirt and Tails: Funny blog title, I'll check it out this evening. Thanks for the comment!
Mira Maulia: Thank you so much for the comment. I'm going to check your blog out later this evening. Hope to see you here again soon!
i.d.: Brilliant comment, I love it!
The Minx: Je vais verifier ton blog un peu plus tard ce soir. Bisous de Londres
Claire: My heart belongs to both Nike and Arvida!
E.K.: The Swedes can layer as much as they want and still look hot, hot, hot!
Viktoria: Hehehe, I bet you do!!!!!!
tony bianco haha!
Swedish for ever !! People always mistake me for a swedish girl cause I'm blonde and round faced, but I certainly don't make the bold fashion choices swedish girls do. I look too desperately french. I posted a new pictures from a street in le Marais on my blog... Maybe you know this one! Love, Moodie
aucune deception de la part de Londres, j'adore!!! pas mal de points communs avec NY mais en meme c'est tellement different!
et ta soeur a t elle aime NY?
bises ma belle
I adore the blond girl with the frizzy curls. It's so romantic.
They also have really nice hair!!
yees! i looove my hometown. and the stylish people in it!!!!!
i seriously love swedish blogs too, i've even listed "swedish fashion blogs" in my interests on facebook! ha. so clearly, i loved this post!
who is the red head that has been all of the bloooggosspherreeee?
i always enjoy checking out those sites. the outfits and people are always gorgeous
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Oi !!!! where the Muscle images???
Kris Russell loves ya !
x xxx
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