In the hierarchy of impulsive investments, buying vintage rock tee shirts is pretty high up on the list. A deeply engrossing activity which clearly started when I met my music loving husband 12 years ago! The continuous revival and disappearance of rock band tour tee shirts presents issues and objections for the serious collector: designers and high street chains have been accused of regurgitating bad imitations, stimulated by a whirlpool of vintage rock band tee shirt wearing LA girls and unfavourable talentless semi celebrities (associations gone incredibly wrong, from trendy to tragic in just a few months). The pursuit of the perfect rock tour shirt can be a very long and arduous road. Finding the right tee, the right band, the right year and the right proportions can be a memorable adventure resulting in a lethal and unique aesthetic for fashion and music aficionados alike. It might not be cool now but there will always be girls who effortlessly create a good look, masterfully mixing their vintage rock shirts with other pieces more rooted in the moment. Girls who can create a buzz wearing something which is supposedly redundant, creating their own exclusive reality. Over the past ten years, my collection has changed from a modest display to a ridiculously huge assortment in need of its own storage space!
Here are a few examples. The original concept was to model every single piece but I got extremely bored after the first three and rapidly gave up on the idea…
Prince, Fleetwood Mac, ACDC, Bob Seeger and the Silver Bullet Band, Hank Williams mixed with a Gap stripy tee and Chloe mini skull print grey tee.
Amazing blue Jewish rosary made in Brooklyn by the lovely and hilarious Carlen Altman
we share the same heart!
+ i want to steal your collection.
the prince one is my favorite.
love your collection and your hair!
I'm still looking for the perfect band t-shirt! My favorite is the ACDC and Prince shirt.
"creating their own exclusive reality".
i loved that part of the post. it sums up - well, everything desirable about developing personal style.
i've seen vintage music tees look fantastic. though i must admit they are mainly cory kennedy-type girls. still, never underestimate grunge.
HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!! yay!
Lisa: I'll show you mine if you show me yours! Kisses
Natalie: Thank you, that's is SO sweet ...
Deborah: The Prince ones were so hard to find!
Adele: As long as it's not Jessica Simpson!
Carlen: You're HOT HOT HOT!
You rock, girl.
♥ Dotti
fleetwood mac <3
they're going on tour you know!!!
great blog!
nothing beats a good cramps shirt.
rock and roll is the sexiest influence, always x
je craque sur Prince definitivement!
penguin queen ;)
Une "GLAM Rock-issime" collection placée sous le signe du " Vintage 80's" !!! ET qui se marie idéalement au noir intense et ténébreux de tes cheveux . . .
à Bientôt, Antoine
Tu te dévoiles enfin !
Quel plaisir...
Je suis si fan des tee-shirts vintage, avec ce carré noir, c'est top !
i LOVE the light purple when doves cry Prince tee.. have been after that one for a while. Have seen them on ebay but missed out!
Dotti: Love you too!!!
Jordan: On tour? I'm going to check out their European dates...
Anonymous: Show me yours!
Krystal: I couldn't agree more ... Kiss
Alice: J'ai vu Prince a Londres l'an dernier, magique!
Him: Love it, the Penguin Queen
Stiletto: Wow, you can wax lyrical on my blog as often as you like, baby!
Kenza: Merci ... tu es un ange ...
Foxyman: One of my best Prince finds. Love it so much ...
Je t'aime.
Signé : L'admirateur secret du wok n woll et de Chwistian.
I love the vintage Fleetwood Mac tee, how awesome! I wish my parents had kept theirs from back in the day...
Sale gamine: Non, moi je t'aime ma p'tite belge! Meme si t'as des gouts de chiottes question hommes celebres ...
i.d.: Your parents were Fleetwood Mac fans?
Oh ca va hein Madame Pharell Williams!Il fait 1m02 les bras levés, mais c'est bien tu peux t'en servir comme canne d'appui pour plus tard qd vous vieillirez ensemble...
Ouais mes parents étaient fan de Fleetwood Mac lol.
Hi! I posted a new photoshoot today!
Photographed by Michael Oats
I hope u like it
My favorite one is a 1984 shirt from the "Concert" album by The Cure. My wife stole it from me 11 years ago and she wears it every night to bed. It looks better on her than it ever did on me!
J'adore Waris.
Très belle collection de t-shirts.
Très mignon ce petit carré aussi, j'ai tellement envi de me couper les cheveux.
cool shirts, not a big fan of them...but tbh i wouldnt mind having one!
Fantastic hair...;)
I love that this is something that is really your 'own'... you really do suit them, but I can't stand when I see someone in Hollywood sporting them.
Sale gamine: arrete, je suis tordue de rire! J'aime les nains genre Prince et Pharell ... Oh yeah, baby!
EK: You should post a picture of your wife wearing it on your blog, you might get more male readers! Hahaha (only joking, British humour)
Noemi: Merci d'etre passee sur mon blog. Ca me fait super plaisir! Qu'est ce qui t'empeche de te couper les cheveux? Je suis sure que tout te va, carre ou pas!!!!
The search for chic: Wow, thank you so much for the hair compliment! Coming from you, it's a real delight! I agree 100% when it comes to Hollywood c lists wearing rock band tees without knowing the meaning behind them...
I didn't know there were male readers out there!
Fab collage and look!
jajaaaaaaaa! you are so cute, i love love love this. you should make a blog JUST of your vintage band shirts ;)
So, this is going to really date me (and possibly take away some of my reputation/dignity), but I recently discovered a box of Backstreet Boys & 'N Sync T-shirts. I feel like reading your post today is kinda like the fashion god telling me that I need to pull them out and wear them.
P.S. My word verification has the word "suffer" in it.
E.K.: Hahaha
Couture Carrie: Thank you!!!
Broadcast: Hi lovely, how are you? I know, you're right. I have enough material to make a special mini rock band shirt blog, how funny would that be?
Miss a.: I'll be checking your blog for some Backstreet Boys and N'Sync madness... The word verification thing always comes up with the weirdest words. Quite poetic, really!
its totally my favorite miumiu campaign to date! thx for the comment, thats how i found your gorgeous blog!
OH MY GOD I am incredibly jealous of this collection. I can NEVER find the perfect vintage rock tee. It forever eludes me.
y-s x
Love your rock tees !!
Go check out my new blog please !
Love the tees! I really don't have enough.
I love vintage rock tee shirts! But here in france it's very hard to find some and good ones...
oh you are too cool miss!!! love rock t's soo much! i hunt for them each and every thrift trip i go on!!!
great post!!! xxx love lM
answ: yeah, i've seen them.. and i'm in LOVE! teh. i'm trying to find some photos of them but i can't find any..
great shirts!
I have that same Fleetwood shirt!
What, you're allowed to wear Prince tee-shirts ? I tought Mat was MJackson through and through ? ;)
That is a collection to die for! I have a couple myself including Prince, the Police and the Smiths, but nothing that matches yours.
wow, AWESOME collection of rock tees.
very cool shirts
Rien à voir avec les T-Shirt mais je suis obligée de revenir sur cette archive pour te demander quelle était le titre de Fleetwood Mac que tu avais posté il y 'a..... longtemps longtemps longtemps ?
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